Saturday, 19 April 2014

Draft Working Drawings

Two days earlier than expected our builder sent us through the draft working drawings through on Tuesday. Overall I am pretty happy with them - there is things missing/wrong but all in all minor things. The list is up to about 25 things but most of them are queries or small changes like

There is 2 issues that need to be sorted

1. The side second frontage fence is installed by the developed which we have known. Its a timber 1.8m fence that the real estate told us would come up to basically in line with the ensuite/garage. The contract actually states that it can only cover 50% of the second frontage unless its dropped to 1.2m in height. Our conveyancer is putting a request into the developer to see if we can get it extended to 2/3 or 3/4 of the house. The bold line is the proposed fence just so you know what I'm talking about.

Conveyancer has put a request into Walker to get the fence line extended to the 3/4 or 2/3 mark up the side of the house.

2. The ensuite/WIR/BIR of the main bedroom.
This was the original design:

We changed it to maximise the BIR space but caused an issue with the door of the bedroom and ensuite. This is what we changed it to:

But are having issue with the doors and I don't really think we are gaining all that much except a big ensuite? Thoughts ideas? Which do you prefer/which one is the most practical?

Saturday, 5 April 2014

April 30 Registration

We had a call from our conveyancer this week advising of a April 30 registration due to some delays with Wollondilly Council (no surprise there) but the estate is open and our builder is organising the soil testing and contours so hopefully that keeps the ball rolling and we can be organied for when it does settle around to 21st of May.