Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Quick Update

Not a lot has changed since our last update. We are exchanging contracts with our conveyancer tomorrow - 5% has already been paid so it should be a simple process.

We don't have a date for registration. Some people in Stage 2 are saying by the 31st March and others are saying mid to late April. I'm not really fussed as if we aren't in by the 5th October than it will at least give us time to have the wedding, pay everything off etc before our full mortgage repayments start.

No roads down yet on our street which is a little disappointing. Hoping to go out there tomorrow with the other half to see if much has changed.

I'm assuming the next stage with the builder is colour selections etc? This excites me and scares me but I have a pretty solid idea on what we want so hopefully its not too stressful. I have only got a few weeks till uni goes back and then life is going to get crazy for the next few months :)

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