Saturday, 15 February 2014

The Waiting Phase

I guess this is what they called the waiting phase? We have exchanged with Walker on the land, signed all the necessary loan documents, paid our 5% to the builder and signed the building contract and now all we can do is wait.

We had a peak at our block last Sunday - it looks almost done with the except of the storm water drain curbing that looks like it just needs to be connected with the rest of the guttering. Light posts are in as well.

The roads look like the next thing to go in and then we should be set for registration. At the moment Stage 1 is due to be released on the 3 March and Stage 2 (thats us) to following in April - conveyancer thinks we should settle in May which means I won't get my slab for my 21st birthday but oh well!

Waiting Waiting Waiting....

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